Monday, July 20, 2009

View Analysis

First map shows critical infrastructures within a 3 mile buffer of Memorial Stadium. Hospitals have been identified to be potential sites of a secondary target. Knowing the locations of Hospitals within the 3 mile buffer, authorities can add additional security measures and monitor activities in these areas. Second map is a Line of Sight analysis of surveillance position around Memorial Stadium. The graph indicates the need for a secondary surveillance position on Line A around the 150 meter location. Third map shows some of the same information in third map just in a 3D rendition. All tasks went smoothly. Only hurdle was I could not import layers created in last weeks project into ArcScene. It had to be the actual DEM file and Orthophoto.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Homeland Security

After I regained consciousness after hitting print and seeing there were 107 pages, I enjoyed this exercise. The first map shows the area for which Department of Homeland Security funds may be applied for within the context of an Urban Area Homeland Security Strategy. Not sure where the border goes when exported to a .jpeg. The second map shows transportation systems which pose a significant public safety and security threat and key landmarks crucial to preparing for and responding to an emergency event. I liked the ability to create Group layer to organize data, I did however stumble with importing symbology.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Crime Analysis

By applying a multiple ring buffer around existing police station you can really visualize the need for additional substations around the exterior of Houston. In addition to a visual buffer depicted on map, a spatial join was completed using the buffer and crimes layers showing 31% of crimes committed occurred more than six miles away from existing police station. I also completed a spatial join of all crimes with the nearest police station and represented them in the graph above. The graph shows a need for additional substations in the vicinity of the Clear Lake, Fondren, and Southeast police stations. With this new information, I have selected the most likely locations for new substations to help patrol troubled areas and increase response times.